Spam von Dr Ekpen Mike –


Von: Dr Ekpen Mike –

(1) If you want your ex Girl or Boy Friend back.

(2) If you want your husband or wife back.

(3) If You want to be promoted in your office or place of work.

(4) If You want women or men to run after you and love you.

(5) If you want a child.

(6) If You want to be rich and become wealthy.

(7) If You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever and love only you.

(8) If you need financial assistance.

(9) If you have been scammed and you want to recover your lost money back

(10) If you are having delay in marriage and you want to marry on time.

(11) If you have a court case and you want to win the case.

(12) if you have a land or properties issue, and you want to get them back.

(13) if you want people to obey your command and do your wish.

(14) If you are drugs addict and you want to stop it.

(15) if you can not impregnate woman,

(16) If you are having bad dreams or you have sex in your dream
(17) If you have spiritual husband or wife

(18) If you want many customer or client to patronize your business, ETC.

If you have any of the above problem, i advise you to contact us for
solutions on via email:

🙂 Eine neue Variante von Scam/Vorschussbetrug – auf spiritueller Ebene kann wohl ausnahmslos jeder Wunsch erfüllt werden. Aber der absolute Knaller ist unter „9“…Wenn man auf Scammer hereingefallen ist und sein Geld zurück will.

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