Verification Code: ATM-ASIA701


Betreff: Verification Code: ATM-ASIA701

OUR REF: 0012/BHC/FBI/ATM/2011

We wish to bring to your notice that your email was listed by the British Financial Intelligent Unit (BFIU) for these exercise of compensating scammed victims, those listed some have been endorsed by the ASIA PACIFIC in Malaysia yours was among those reported unpaid as at today and we wish to instruct you to see the instruction of the commission to make sure you receive you compensation instantaneously as a beneficiary of $2.6 Million USD. Accredited on an ATM Card.
Kindly forward your information to the email address below:

Full Name:
Delivery Address:
Phone Number:
Verification Code: ATM-ASIA701
Scan copy of International Passport or Driver License:

Note: Your Personal Contact/Communication Code With Mrs. Jim Sui-Kwan Is „643“ You Are Advice To Send Your Full Details as requested to the British Financial Intelligent Unit (BFIU) International Remittance Director Headed By Dr.Yip Chyau Feng And Make Sure You Speak With Him, With Your New Payment Code ATM-8301 For The Release Of Your ATM CARD.

Immediately the above details are received and validated, your payment will be processed within 48hours.

Mrs. Jim Sui-Kwan
In Service
Dr.Yip Chyau Feng
Tel : +447035985696 (Call for verification 24hrs)
Chairman, Committee on ATM-CARD Payment

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