Re:Just Read This Message


Betreff: Re:Just Read This Message
Von: Read This Message –

Dear Sir,

Complement of the day to you and your love ones

I hope my email will arrive to you at good time. I am a personal investor
& financial consultant advisers to a Top Politician in SYRIA.

Why I’m contacting you is to know if we can have a personal conversation.
Whatever truth you may brief me will be highly recommended. Tell me more
about your country, how good it will be to invest in your country.

Such as buying of properties, or real estate and some tourist places or
any profitable investment venture that will yield good profit. I will
appreciate whatever result you may brief me. Do let me know your idea and
knowledge regarding this or any other profitable investment venture you
may suggest. I have a substantial amount and I am willing to order the
transfer of the money to you for investment if you’re interested with my
proposal. In my next mail I will explain the full details of the project
and interest, and then we reach an agreement on what will be your share
from the money or investment.

I shall tell you more about myself when I read from you. You may as well
tell me little more about yourself when replying to this my personal email

Waiting for your reply.

Thanks and best regards,
Nur wieder eine Scam-Mail / Vorschussbetrug. Gehen Sie davon aus, dass der im Absender deutsch klingende Name aus einem Idenditätsdiebstahl dieser Internetkriminellen stammt, was leider immer öfter der Fall ist. Durch diese Kreditangebote, die derzeit die Postfächer überschwemmen, bekommen diese üblen Betrüger immer wieder Ausweiskopien geschickt und benutzen diese für alle möglichen kriminellen Aktivitäten.

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