Account Info Changes


Betreff: Account Info Changes
Von: Apple –

Dear Customer,

We need to ask you to complete a short and brief step to securing and validating
your account information.

*Click here to complete validation*

*_Failure to complete our validation process will result in a suspension of your
Apple ID._*

We take every step needed to automatically validate our users, unfortunately in
your case we were unable to. The process only takes a couple of minutes and will
make sure there is no interruption to your account.

*Wondering why you got this email?
This email was sent automatically during routine security checks. We are not
completely satisfied with your account information and require you to update
your account to continue using our services uninterrupted.

For more information, see our FAQ.

Apple Customer Service

Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. Apple Inc., Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014
Company Registration number: 15719. VAT number: IE6554690W.

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