Act as our payment Agent‏‏


Nigeria Connection, Nigerian Scam, 419 Scam, Vorschussbetrug, Spam-Schutz

Von: „AHA INT. INC.“ –
Betreff: Act as our payment Agent‏‏

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a group of company who deals on import and export of diamonds,
precious and semi preciousgemstones, supplying wholesale loose gemstones and loose cut diamonds into the south america Mexico, Germany and europe markets.

We are searching for individuals or a group who can
act as our representative/payment agent in your
country and earn 10% of every payment made through
you to us.

Please if you are willing for the
offer to work with us, fill the form below to

FULL NAME:…………………………..
SEX:……………………………… .
PHONE:…………………… ………..
FAX:……. …………………………
STATE/COUNTRY:…………………… .

NOTE: This does not require any of your financial obligation.

“ Consider your services as an obligation to you“


Dr.Raymond Lo

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