Attn €20,000,000.00Euros



Betreff: Attn €20,000,000.00Euros


Dear Friend,
This is the second time, I am contacting you about this issue. I have
previously emailed you, but you did not reply my email. I am Bernard
Madoff, the founder of Wall Street Firm, Bernard L. Madoff investment
securities LLC in 1960 and was the former chairman of NASDAQ. I was
accuses of fraud worth over $170 Billion Dollars and was arrested on
Dec 11, 2008 and on March 12, 2009, I was convicted of 11 federal
crimes and admitted to operating the largest Ponzi Scheme in history.

Let me not go into much details. I have in my possession the sum of
Twenty Million Euro (20,000,000.00Euros) in an offshore Bank, which
nobody else knows about this except my account officers because the
money was deposited under serial codes. I need your help, to get this
money out from the bank where its deposited and keep safely for me as
I am sure of coming out from jail soon from my appeal. I have lost
everything in life and I can’t get close to this fund on my own due
to my situation, because the government have seized and confiscated
everything that I have. and are still eager to confiscate more if they
find out any money or asset linking to me which i do not want it to happen.
Thats why i contacted you to partner with me to get the fund to a safer
bank where you can have control over it.
I am willing to share this money equally with you, if you can work with
me and assure me that i can trust you and that you will not capitalize
on my problem to divert it once it gets to you.
I would have prefer if you can visit me in the prison to see me and discuss
detail with me but if you cannot, i will do it basically on trust since
i have no choice.
I need that money to start a new life as soon as i am
out of prison.

I will be waiting for your reply any moment from now.

With Kind regards
Bernard Madoff

Na diese Vorschussbetrüger haben mal echt Humor. Ausgerechnet Bernard Madoff, den Betreiber des größten Schneeballsystems aller Zeiten, benutzen sie für Ihren Betrug?! Ich könnte mich beömmeln. Der Typ hat im Laufe von fast 20 Jahren seine Investoren um ca. umgerechnet€ betrogen und gestanden. Kaum zu glauben, er fühlt sich wohl im Knast und gibt Mithäftlingen Anlage-Beratungen.

Naja, viel Spass, wenn Sie den „armen“ und inzwischen etwas älteren Mann im Gefängnis besuchen. Kopf hoch, denn Sie werden nicht der einzigste Besucher sein. Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass die Betrüger viele Gründe haben, den „armen“ Mann dann doch nicht persönlich zu besuchen. Wetten, dass er dann urplötzlich ganz schwer erkrankt und die „läppischen“ 20 Millionen Euros ganz schnell transferiert werden müssen?!

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