Betrug – ATM Visa card compensation, Thanks for your past effort


Sam / Vorschussbetrug!


ATM Visa card compensation, Thanks for your past effort


Mrs Daniella Kyle –



How are you, hope all is well with you?

This message might come to you as surprises, It is a very joyful
moment for me to share this good news to you today, although i have
really missed you because you give me the faith to carry on despite
all that happened,you really brought hope to my hopeless situation
then, therefore i made a vow to myself that even if we fail to
complete the transaction together,i must surely still compensate you.

To be very honest with you, It is a joyful moment for me and my family
right now, so therefore am using this opportunity to inform you that
have successfully move to Vietnam where am currently living with my
business partner who assisted me to complete the transfer, but due to
the willingness and acceptance you showed during my pain have decided
to willingly compensated you and show my gratitude to you with these
sum of $750,000.00 Seven Hundred and fifty Thousand US Dollars).

I want you to accept it is a gift from the bottom of my heart, Have
issued the cheque and i instructed the bank to role the fund on ATM
credit card for security reason,you can use the ATM card to
withdrawing money from any ATM machine world wide with a maximum of
US$10,000 daily.

This vow have made to myself about compensating you has been in my
mind so am here to fulfilled it to you, although I did not tell you
what was in my mind, my bank account manager said you can receive the
card and use it anywhere in these global world. Go ahead contact the
Global ATM Alliance direct with this bellow information. Email
Address: …..

Name: ……….. ……. Global ATM Visa Card Alliance
Office Address; …… 01BP 23 Rue Des Grands Moulins.Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Email Address: ….. []
Name Of Manager In charge: Dr. Koko pedro-c

Ask the manager to send you the ATM card and the pin code of the ATM
card that i gave to you as compensation, So feel free and get in
touched direct with the ATM office and instruct him where to send you
the ATM card so that you can start to withdraw the money. Please do
let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy of
your success.

Presently I am very busy here in Vietnam because of the investment
project which I and my new partner are having at hand because I want
to finalize everything before the end of the next month. I have giving
instruction to ATM Visa card office on your behalf to release the ATM
card which i gave to you as compensation. Therefore feel free and get
in touch with him and he shall send the ATM card for you in order for
you to start withdrawing the compensation money without delay.

I and my family wishes you best of luck in whatever business you shall
invest this money into. Kindly let me know as soon you received the
ATM visa card together with the pine code at your disposal.

Thank you
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Daniella Kyle

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