Congratulations !!! – von Facebook Inc


Onlinewarnung – Scam/Vorschussbetrug

Betreff: Congratulations !!!
Von: Facebook Inc –

Congratulations !!!

We are very happy to inform you that your name appear on the face book lottery promotion and you have just won the Sum of $650,000, U.S Dollars(six Hundred and Fifty thousand United State Dollars). Your name was selected in a raffle that was made 23th of August 2018 so we need your fast response so that we can proceed with your winning funds.

Your name was selected by Mr Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Face book (Founder
& Chief Executive Officer ) The promotion was made to make all face book user benefit from the gain and the company Named face book is the first and ever largest means of meeting both old and new friends.

The promo was done to serve as a means of appreciation to visitors on our site and also to help people to fight off poverty and to maintain the standard of living.

Note: These is 100% Real and Legal and any user of the Face Book who is not
interested should not bother to reply and shouldn’t reply with an abusive word back to our Staff, SAN FRANCISCO — Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and chief executive of Facebook, announced on Tuesday that he and his wife would give 99 percent of their Facebook shares “during our lives” —holdings currently worth more than $45 billion — to charitable purposes.

View the site:

Kindly get back to us to claim your fund and how you want it to be sent to you.

Thank you.

Mark Zuckerberg CEO FACEBOOK INC
Greg Holmes for CDAA

Get some Zero paid Gear FBI SCAM PROTECTED
Facebook, Inc. Attention: Department 415 P.O Box 10005 Palo Alto CA 94303
Description above from the Wikipedia article Greg Holmes, licensed under
CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here. Community Pages are not affiliated
with, or endorsed by, anyone associated with the topic.

Bei Scam/Vorschussbetrug ist der Ablauf immer nahezu identisch. Als erstes wird ein Geldbetrag in Aussicht gestellt. Das geht von Erbschaften über Geschäftsvorschläge, Gewinne bis zu Kreditvergaben. Allerdings muss man, um in den Genuss des Geldes zu kommen, in finanzielle Vorleistung treten, z.B. Notargebühren, Schmiergelder, spezielle Versicherung… usw. Egal wie auch immer, man wird keinen einzigen Cent der versprochenen Summe zu sehen bekommen. Hat man erst einmal etwas gezahlt, wird so lange Geld von den Betrügern gefordert, bis wirklich gar nichts mehr zu holen ist. Und das Schlimme – es fallen noch genug Opfer auf diese Art Betrug herein.

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