Kindly Assist – Scammail


Von: Ms.Linda Wong –
Betreff: Kindly Assist


I am Ms. Linda Wong, currently undergoing medical treatment at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, my husband died
in a car accident over a year ago. We were married without a child. When my late husband was alive he deposited
the sum of $6 Million in a private bank.

I want a God fearing individual to manager this fund and provide succor to poor in society. Please contact me
and let me know if you can be of help.

Best Regards,
Ms.Linda Wong



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Isser nicht herzallerliebst der letzte Satz?! „We do not accept any responsibility for viruses“

Übersetzung: „Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für Viren„. -ohne Worte-


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