

Internetbetrug, Scammer, Nigerian-Scam

Von: tracy williams –

Dear friend,
I am Madam Tracy Williams, and I have been suffering from Ovarian cancer deseed and the doctor says that I
have just four days to live. I am an Jordanian Woman. But base in Africa Burkina Faso for more than Ten years
now as a merchant in cocoa and cotton exportation. Now that I am about to end the race of life like this,
without any family members and no child.

I have $2.5 Million US DOLLARS. Two Million Five Houndred Thousand Us Dollars in Africa Development Bank(ADB)
Burkina Faso which I instructed the bank to give to Christ the King Missionary Home in Burkina Faso . But my
mind is not at rest as I am writing this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.
I also have ($4.5 Million US Dollars) Four Million Five Houndred Thousand Us Dollars at Ecobank here in Burkina
Faso and I have instructed the bank to transfer the money to the first foreigner that will apply to the bank
after I have gone so that bank should release the fund to him/her but you will assure me that you will take 50%
of the money and give 50% to the orphanage home in your country for my heart to rest. You are to contact the
bank through this email address:

Yours fairly friend
Madam Tracy Williams.

Klassische Scam-Mail – Vorschussbetrug

Was ist Scam?

Es wird zunächst glaubhaft gemacht, ein enormes Vermögen verdienen zu können oder viel Geld gewonnen zu haben. Die Empfänger werden unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen dazu bewegt, finanziell in Vorleistung zu treten, z. B. Notargebühren usw…man ist diesbezüglich recht erfinderisch.

Diese Art von Betrugsversuch nennt man auch “419 Scam“, da es sich um einen Verstoß gegen den nigerianischen Gesetzesparagrafen 419 handelt (Vorschussbetrug).

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