Ray Tamar



Nigeria 419 Scam, Vorschussbetrug

Von: Ray Tamar – rayttamar20@msn.com
Betreff: Ray Tamar

Greeting to you,
My name is Ray Tamar, I am a Malaysian banker, It is a fact that we have not met each other, but I have a strong feeling that we can work together. I have a deceased customer’s dormant fund, which I happened to be his personal account officer before his death involving all his family ,I am presently chief auditor of my bank.
I know secrets and everything surrounding his fund ,but before I disclose the full details to you, I will like to know your interest and willingness to work with me so that this fund will be transferred into your choosen bank account so we can share it 50%/50% at the conclusion of this transaction.
Thank you
Ray Tamar

Warum heisst es „Nigeria 419 Scam“?

Der Begriff wurde betitelt nach dem relevanten Paragrafen 419 des nigerianischen Strafgesetzbuchs, der sich mit dieser Straftat vor Erlass der Vorauszahlungsverordnung befasst.

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