Update your Commerzbank account security !


Von: no_reply@commerzbank.com
Betreff: Update your Commerzbank account security !


Commerzbank Account Review Department.

Dear Customer,

During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and verification procedures, we have detected a slight error in your billing information.
This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address,e-mail address).
2. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of payment due to an internal error within our processors.

Please update and verify your information by checking the link below:


We are requesting this information to verify and protect your identity. This is in order
to prevent the use of the Germany banking system in illegal activity.

Please do not „Reply“ to this Alert.

At Commerzbank we are always ready to help you. Whether you need account assistance, product information or answers to financial questions we are here for you. Send us an email, call or write us. You may also try our online help files.und folgen Sie den Anweisungen

Email us at: customers@commerzbank.com
Call us at: 069 136-20 or other Customer Service Numbers.
Write us at: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main, 60261, Attn: Customer Service

© 2012 Commerzbank AG. Member FDIC.Financial Group. All rights reserved.
Achtung – 100%ige Phishing-Mail. Der Link leitet auf die Seite „http://sellingclub.co.kr/gsmall/www.commerzbanking.de/P-Portal/XML/IFILPortal/index.php?WSPL_ID=pYEzoRK-g6ELTw7csqrD91USGIOej9u2oPURpvj9i21amr8P3WlZJcVF.3th92MoFolUy.9gFTIR0YmaPWtf7.l50UqLW-MHUgEH5n9tczwdWkADs-R29K.oC6yeFacu2VmwGVe-jIdeKvKzeGJXUv4IlH7u3o1TiXent7llf7.6o9.Y8gwMU5Cdy3wFO1gb&tab=800&doc=/de/gb/hauptnavigation/onlinebanking/bereichsgabelseite_onlinebanking.htm“ die sicher nichts mit der Commerzbank zu tun hat. Hier sollen Ihre persönlichen Daten abgefangen werden zur Kontoplünderung.

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