

419  Nigeria Scam, Vorschussbetrug, Internetfallen

Von: Customer Care –
Betreff: Congratulations!

Good Day,
We are pleased to notify you the winner of our last Secured Mega
Online Promotion result. This is a reward program for the patronage of
internet services and all email addresses entered for this promotional
were randomly selected from an internet resource database of registered
software and domain users.

Reference Number: AA-873/2011
E-ticket number: 0810682TF
Category: A
Amount: USD2.500.000,00 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars)

You are required to establish contact with your claims agent via e-mail
with the particulars presented below:

Contact: Mr. Christopher Hugh
Phone: ++31 617 069 609

In line with the governing rules of claim, you are requested to furnish Mr.
Christopher With the following information:

1. Full name… 2. Address… 3. Occupation… 4. Tel/Fax…. 5.
Cell/Mobile… 6. Age… 7. Winning Ref Number…


Angela Cowen
Promotions Coordinator

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