Cute little girl is looking for ***- – Spammail – Betrug


Cute little girl is looking…

Betreff: Cute little girl is looking for sex.
Von: cnMaPYODKs –

Sure that you are surprised by this letter, I beg you, give me a moment of attention and I’ll explain everything to you.
I am very worried and do not know how to start this letter.
I am beautiful, kind and sexy girl.
I work in the field of trade. I am the director of real estate company.
I am 35 years old. I have no children and no men.
It so happened that the business took too much free time and I could not find a man.
3 months I live in your country.
On this please forgive me for my bad written language.
I’ll tell you honestly. I’m bored in your country. I have no men here. Every day I spend alone.
Sleep and wake up in a cold bed.
And want that next to a man.
And that is what prompted me to such folly.
It’s hard to be in a foreign country.
More difficult to be without sex for 3 months. – (
I saw your photo and you really like me. You are interested in me as a man.
I made a video for you and put it on the Internet.
My spoken language is much better than writing.
On this I would be pleased if you looked my video.
In it, I talk about in more detail yourself.
This is a video I posted on the site
Asking you to sign up and find me there.
My Nickname sexyGoddess
Also on the site you can find all my contact details.
There I placed a phone number and I hope that after watching the video you call me.
I sure hope so.
Give me a moment of attention and see my video that I recorded for you,
I’ll wait for you to call.

Liebe Männer und auch Frauen… normalerweise sollte ich hierzu überhaupt nichts schreiben. Wer auf so einen Betreff neugierig reagiert und sich dahinter so einiges erhofft, sollte richtig übel abgezockt werden. Die Abzocker wissen sehr genau, weshalb sie so einen Betreff wählen… Sehr traurig, aber leider wahr.

Aber vielleicht gibt es ja auch noch „andere“ Leser.

Es soll auf die Webseite: ““ gelockt werden, für die folgende Warnung ausgegeben wird:

Achtung: Verdächtige Website


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